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Biografía de Srinivasa Ramanujan, un matemático que después de crecer en la pobreza en Madras, India, es admitido en la Universidad de Cambridge durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, donde se convierte en un pionero en teorías matemáticas.
Srinivasa Ramanujan ( documental )
Life and Work S. Ramanujan
Trabajos y Teorías matemáticas desarrolladas por Ramanujan:
Some Properties of Bernoulli's Numbers (1911)
Note on a set of simultaneous equations (1912)
Irregular Numbers (1913)
Squaring the circle (1913)
Modular Equations and Approximations to Pi (1914)
On the integral arctan (t)/t (1915)
On the Number of Divisors of a Number (1915)
On the sum of the square roots of the first n Natural numbers (1915)
On the product (...) anf Gamma function (1915)
Une formule asymptotique pour Ie nombre des partitions de n (1917)
Asymptotic formulae in Combinatory Analysis (1917)
On the coefficients in the expansions of certain modular functions (1918)
Some Definite Integrals(1919)
A proof of Bertrand's Postulate (1919)
A class of Definite Integrals (1920)
The discovery of the `Lost' Notebook of Ramanujan by Prof. George E. Andrews, in the spring of 1976, in the estate of late Prof. G.N. Watson, contributed to a resurgence of interest in the life and work of Ramanujan. This `Lost' Notebook contained some 600 theorems on what Ramanujan called as `mock' theta functions. These are results he noted on about 100 loose sheets of paper, during the last year of his life, after his return to India, in March 1919. Prof. Berndt and Prof. Andrews are at present editing this `Lost' Notebook.
Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook Part I (Partial, Google books)
Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook Part II (Partial, Google books)
Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook Part III (full)
Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook Part IV (full)
Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook Part VI (full)
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